Dear editor,
I am writing to you this letter because i require to inform you about the different changes that the animal farm has suffered.First of all i would like to tell you about old major's speech before he got shot.In the speech old major proposed a radical change where humans are expelled from the farm,as old major considered them to use animals for their own benefit.In other words old major propose a "rebellion".The first important change after the death of old major was that napoleon takes the leadership and successfully performing the rebellion.Other change was that napoleon and the others pigs comes up with Seven Commandments, which are to form the basis of Animalism.They are ,whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy ,Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.No animal shall wear clothes.No animal shall sleep in a bed.No animals shall drink alcohol.No animal shall kill any other animal. All animals are equal.In others words the animals takes totally the control of the farm.Now that you know the changes I will proceed to inform you the relation of the animal farm with the Russian revolution.This book portray the Russian Revolution of 1917 as one that resulted in a government more oppressive, totalitarian, and deadly than the one it overthrew.You can see this in the some characters because they represents the figures of the Russian Revolution , like old major that represents Karl Marx , Napoleon that represent Stalin and Snowball that represent Leo Trostky.Finally I regret to inform you that is the end of letter .
Regards, Esteban Karmy
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